City Engine 的学习资源


Dear all,

We’re getting a lot of inquiries concerning training materials, tutorials and other resources, to learn the CityEngine most efficiently.

Here’s the list of resources I usually recommend :

I highly recommend to browse through all the mentioned resources since they contain all the basic information to get started on a professional level CityEngine project.

1] Resource Center : Videos

Recommended are all videos which were recorded on version 2012.1, as indicated in each description. [ Some of the videos are older, though we decided to keep them on the web. ]
These give a good overview over how the CityEngine works in it’s basics and what the common workflows are.

I recommend to go through all of them and try to follow the concepts, even though the user interface may have changed slightly between the versions.

Find the current list of Tutorial videos and 2012 Features here:

2] Quick Start Guide

Go to Help > Help Contents > Quick Start Guide

3] Manual

There’s a detailed manual inside the CityEngine. Go to Help > Help Contents

4] Example Cities

Have a look at the downloadable Example Cities. Download them via Help > Download Tutorials and Examples
Or via the Resource Center:

5] Written Tutorials

The written Tutorials (PDFs) are located within the downloadable tutorial project’s ‘scenes’ folder.

6] CityEngine Workflows

7] Dedicated Forums

These 5 dedicated forums already have a great traction and are a valuable resource for basic and advanced questions. I’m here a lot and answer most questions personally.