kikita & Maps

GIS,spatial and artificial intellegence learning and share

ArcGIS大家族中还有很多老古董,例如 ArcView 3.3,如果需要直接跳跃式的迁移到 ArcGIS Desktop 10,需要怎样做呢?

1 找到这个功能:菜单栏 –> Customize–> Customize Mode, Commands选项卡,搜索【ArcView】

2 将菜单 Import from ArcView Project… 拖拽到菜单栏任意位置。

3 点击这个新菜单 , Import from ArcView Project… ,弹出窗口,按照提示选择 apr 工程文件即可。

title: 要素外接矩形的四个角点坐标、长度、宽度、面积如何计算到要素属性表中?

使用工具 Calculate Field


  • X的最大值:!shape.extent.XMax!

  • X的最小值:!shape.extent.XMin!

  • Y的最大值:!shape.extent.YMax!

  • Y的最大值:!shape.extent.YMin!

  • 面积:!shape.area!

  • 周长:!shape.length!

CityEngine中的 Annotation 可以给规则和属性添加额外的信息,Annotation不会影响到规则本身的语法以及模型的产生,它主要影响的是用户界面的显示,例如:在Inspector 上,如何显示属性和规则。





标记一个属性或者规则隐藏,在 Inspector 中或者起始规则选择器中不显示。

attr hide_me = 0

@Group(“level_1-group”, …, “level_n-group”):

设置属性的在 Inspector 中的分组显示。

@Group("First", "Second")
attr grouped = 0
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textures / raster files : concepts in CityEngine / ArcGIS


Quite a few new customers and people evaluating CityEngine who are working in the field of GIS ask about how CityEngine handles ‘raster files’ or ‘basemaps’ and what the best practices are concerning file resolutions.

Since CityEngine works ( from a technology-POV ) very similar as many other pure 3d applications (CityEngine is a 3d Modelling Application), I wanted to point out a few differences between CityEngine and ArcGIS :

ArcGIS-users call bitmap files ‘raster files’ due to their grid-based nature. People usually working with 3d applications call them ‘textures’. It’s the same thing.

ArcGIS has technologies embedded which ‘dynamically’ load only the part of a dataset which is currently visible on screen. Thus, with this technology HUGE raster datasets (> 1GB) can easily be displayed.
CityEngine does NOT have such a streaming service, thus raster files / textures should be prepared with some basic knowledge how they shall be used in a CityEngine project.

Important things to know :

1] Arc GIS’ basemaps can not directly be loaded in CityEngine as a layer. The user must export the specific ‘area of interest’ (extent) as a texture to be used within CityEngine.
2] To be able to work with textures, all the textures must reside within the opened project, usually in the ‘assets’ folder general textures, respectively the ‘maps’ folder for map-/basemap - textures (or a subdirectory).
3] CityEngine is a 3d application which uses a technology called ‘OpenGL’ to display the 3d models (and the scene). Displaying 3d graphics this way uses the computer’s graphics card . For this, all textures are fully loaded in thatgraphics card’s memory. [Please note that the computer has ‘main memory’, which is usually called RAM. A graphics card has it’s own RAM, often called ‘Video RAM’. ]
4] Since the amount of memory on graphics cards is usually quite small (~ 256 MegaBytes - 1.5 GigaBytes), one can imagine that the resources should be handled carefully !
5] Please note that when importing raster files from ArcGIS (e.g. GeoTIF), the file’s projection MUST MATCH the CityEngine scene’s Scene Coordinate System. CityEngine can not (yet) reproject raster files when importing into the scene (as opposed to Shapes and Graph Segments !).

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在过去的版本,例如 9.31,10.0 我们在安装目录中可以找到存放系统 prj 的地址,例如 C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Coordinate Systems\Projected Coordinate Systems。但是10.0之后,我们发现,这个文件夹消失了,那要得到其中的Prj文件怎么做呢?

现在的 Coordinate Systems 文件变成的虚拟的结构,prj 文件都存储在 projection engine library (pe.dll)。从安装包中去掉了4000+的 prj 文件,会提升安装的性能。

如果是自定义的 prj 文件, 可以将文件复制到 ArcMap Favorites 文件夹。 如果需要得到 prj 文件,可以将其添加到收藏,或者另存为副本。


Win7 :c:\Users\[login]\[Roaming | Local | etc]\AppData\ESRI\Desktop10.1\ArcMap\Coordinate Systems

WinXP: C:\Documents and Settings\[login]\Application Data\ESRI\Desktop10.1\ArcMap\Coordinate Systems

