kikita & Maps

GIS,spatial and artificial intellegence learning and share

The Enterprise Administration Associate exam tests the candidate’s experience operating and supporting enterprise solutions. Qualified candidates should be proficient in best practices, and able to apply configuration changes to meet production needs, to perform continuous monitoring and maintenance, to troubleshoot common Esri technology issues, and to communicate software and support needs. Candidates should have 2-4 years of experience operating and supporting enterprise solutions and 18-24 months working with Esri’s ArcGIS technology.


A qualified candidate should be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Install, configure, and upgrade a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment
  • Understand and implement the Esri licensing model
  • Publish and administer services, using different ArcGIS Enterprise deployment models (on- premises, hybrid, and cloud)
  • Deploy, publish, and administer GIS services and resources available through ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise
  • Diagnose and improve the performance of services from ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise
  • Manage cached resources and services
  • Perform ArcGIS Enterprise system administration workflows.
  • Configure security for ArcGIS Enterprise
  • Register external data sources with ArcGIS Enterprise
  • Monitor system health, conduct performance tuning, and identify bottlenecks across an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment

A qualified candidate should be familiar with the following tools:

  • Operating systems, web servers, storage devices, file storage systems, databases, authentication, network and security concepts
  • System monitoring tools
  • Ready-to-use apps, the ArcGIS web APIs, and app templates
  • ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder

A qualified candidate should NOT be expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Apply high availability deployment patterns of ArcGIS Enterprise
  • System design & integration
  • Geodatabase administration and tuning
  • Application development
  • ArcGIS Desktop analysis or data management
  • Security audits and vulnerability assessments

Skill Measured

The following list will familiarize candidates with the exam sections to help guide exam preparation. The relative weight of each section is provided to illustrate the approximate size of each section. Candidates should review this list and assess their knowledge of each skill. Specific preparation resources are available to assist with refreshing in areas where any knowledge gaps are found.

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The ArcGIS Desktop Professional exam tests the candidate’s experience applying ArcGIS concepts and processes to workflows. Qualified candidates should demonstrate proficiency when applying advanced GIS concepts and knowledge to establish workflows, processes, troubleshooting non-routine issues, and skilled at defining and successfully completing complex GIS projects. Qualified candidates should have five years of applied experience, and should be proficient in best practices and uses of Esri’s ArcGIS technologies.


A qualified candidate should be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Apply and interpret fundamental spatial statistics and visualization techniques
  • Build a reference data set and an address locator
  • Build a transportation network and apply solvers
  • Implement and apply Python scripting
  • Perform advanced vector and raster analysis
  • Perform fundamentals of geodatabase design and operate within a multi-user geodatabase
  • Perform surface modeling and analysis
  • Utilize advanced modeling techniques
  • Identify and resolve common workflows
  • Author a mosaic dataset
  • Demonstrate proficiency in ArcGIS Desktop user interface and environment configuration
  • Determine and define an appropriate coordinate system
  • Manipulate data with Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, and Network Analyst extensions
  • Author and publish to a web GIS portal
  • Implement and apply web content or services to perform analyses
  • Configure web app templates and Web AppBuilder widgets

A qualified candidate should be familiar with the following tools:

  • ArcGIS Desktop (ArcCatalog, ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro)
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Enterprise
  • ArcGIS Network Analyst
  • ArcGIS Spatial Analyst
  • ArcGIS 3D Analyst
  • Python

A qualified candidate should NOT be expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Deliver production quality cartographic output with specific industry solutions
  • Administer a multi-user geodatabase
  • Develop or administer websites
  • Develop tools or apps using any SDK or API
  • Network or systems administration
  • Administer an ArcGIS Online organization

Skill Measured

The following list will familiarize candidates with the exam sections to help guide exam preparation. The relative weight of each section is provided to illustrate the approximate size of each section. Candidates should review this list and assess their knowledge of each skill. Specific preparation resources are available to assist with refreshing in areas where any knowledge gaps are found.

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空间插值分析的基本原则是“地理学第一定律”,即“Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things”,这是Waldo Tobler提出的。 例如,如果你所在的位置正在下雨,那么很有可能离你100米的位置也在下雨,而20公里以外的地方下雨就不一定了,或者说可能性就低了很多。 大多数插值方法遵循了这样的准则。

插值方法大致可以分为,确定性插值方法/Deterministic interpolation methods和随机性插值方法: 确定性插值方法使用了确定性算法,即,给予特定的输入数据我们会得到相同的结果; 而随机性插值方法是基于统计学的,通常用于更高级的表面预测建模,这种建模方法不仅可以预测表面的数值,也可能会带来误差或者不确定性,一些常见的地统计插值方法就属于这个范畴。

从参与计算预测值的采样点的范围来看,确定性插值方法可以分为全局/Globe局部/Local两种。 全局插值方法在计算预测值时使用了整个数据集,而局部插值方法是通过特定的领域来计算预测值。

从预测表面是否穿过已知采样点来看,确定性插值还可以分为精确/exact非精确/inexact两种。 如果插值算法预测的采样点位置的数值与采样点自身的数据一致,那么就是精确插值;否则为非精确插值。

  • 精确插值: 反距离权重法/IDW,径向基函数法/radial basis functions,样条函数法/Spline
  • 非精确插值: 全局或局部多项式法/global and local polynomial

IDW 插值方法


IDW插值时,可以设置power参数来控制周围采样点对插值影响的显著性。 power值越大,较远的点对预测插值的影响就会越弱,也就是说,远处的采样点对预测值的影响随着power的增大而削减越快。power可以是任意正数,但是通常取值范围是0.5-3,默认为2。


样条函数插值方法/Spline Method

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ArcMap 启动时崩溃,想看看究竟发生了什么,ArcMap卡在哪一步失败了?

那么 “cmd” 打开命令行,跳转到 ArcGIS Desktop 安装目录,然后使用 arcmap.exe /log 来启动 ArcMap同时创建日志。

日志默认创建在 arcmap.exe 的相同目录,命令行直接打开日志 notepad arcmap.log


Initializing license…done
Parsed command line
Creating App…
Processing shell command…
Creating New Document…
Opening normal template…done…
Loading printer information…done…
New VBA project…done…
Add first mapDone creating New Document
Loading extensions…done
Startup complete
Done processing shell command
Calling ApcSethWnd()…done

离开kikitamap.com有点久,这期间完成了人生的一件大事,如今已经返回工作,又开始了探索技术的无尽模式。 发现育儿并不比ArcGIS更简单,哈,现在需要学习的东西真的是成倍的增长,无论我是愚公还是天神,“两座大山”摆在面前,都得需要翻越或者搬起。

人生很奇妙,有的成长几乎是一瞬间完成的,就如孩子的微笑、抬头、翻身,忽然有一天就给你带来惊喜;与孩子一同成长,我也变得愈加淡定从容,愈加理解人生真正所求,愈加懂得取悦自己。 记得有朋友问过我,为啥不弄个公众号,现在不流行博客。 公众号当下很好,但它在于广而告之,推广是核心,可是这不是我想要的;我喜欢有个属于自己的角落随意写点东西,研究点有意思的事情,而不被它所牵制,更多的是留给自己与真正需要和关心的人。

“活到老,学到老。” —— 一句老气的至理名言。 学习是条渴望尽头却没有尽头的不归路,但是也不要轻易的“回头是岸”,或是吭哧吭哧地“苦作舟”,自己寻点乐子吧。
