“Baking” generally refers to the process of recording as an image, some aspect of the Material or Mesh characteristics of a model. One value of this is that certain kinds of Material parameters can take longer to compute and apply to a model than an Image Texture, so it saves rendering time. Baking is usually done once a Material or Mesh is finalized.
In texture baking, for example, what is originally a procedural texture can be recorded as an image. Sometimes various “channels” of a material can be consolidated into a single image, simplifying the number of texture images used. Material colors applied in Texture Paint mode can be saved to an image. Texture baking can also help with disguising seams on a UV unwrap, a somewhat complicated but very useful process.
In normal baking, the mesh normals (which affect how light appears to reflect from the model’s surface) can be recorded – this results in very specialized images with RGB values based on normal vectors.
Usually baking requires having the model UV-unwrapped and -mapped, so the resulting image is properly fit to the model.
Posted onIn碎碎念Disqus: Word count in article: 164Reading time ≈1 mins.
Now I’ve come to the crossroad in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception. I knew, but I never took it. You know why. It’s was too damn hard.
But there is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that.
Posted onIn木工开物Disqus: Word count in article: 730Reading time ≈3 mins.
说到免费开放的数据,自然会想到 Open Street Map,这里分享下在 ArcGIS 产品线中osm数据的使用实践。
环境:ArcGIS Desktop 10.6, Esri CityEngine 2017.1
一般情况下,我们可以在 Open Street Map 官网可以通过指定范围直接下载osm格式数据,然后在 ArcMap中直接读取。如下,以Esri中国所在的金泰大厦为中心的数据:
osm数据是基于xml的数据格式,ArcMap不能直接编辑。如果希望导入地理数据库中编辑,可以利用插件,这是Esri额外提供的一个桌面端的免费开源的osm插件,ArcGIS Editor for OSM 10.6.x Desktop。 通过这个插件可以下载、更新OSM数据有关这个插件的源码、文档,可以在Github上获得。
OSM is an XML-based format used to describe vector data in a map. It defines three basic data types—nodes, ways, and closed ways—which are used to describe all the other elements:
Nodes—Points between which segments are drawn.
Ways—Ordered list of nodes, displayed as connected by line segments in the editor.
Closed Ways—Ways that go in a complete loop. They are used to describe areas such as parks, lakes, or islands.
以前10.3年代的时候,整理过一次简单的说明,点这里直达。通过测试,相同的网络环境下,官网下载osm数据,之后再使用 Load OSM File 导入GDB,效率明显优于直接使用 Download OSM Data导入GDB。
attr streetWidth = // street width dependeding on available attributes case width > 0 : width * streetscale case lanes > 0 : lanes * 3.5 * streetscale else : streetWidthByClass * streetscale * oneway
class = getObjectAttr("highway", false)
streetWidthByClass = case class == "primary" : 8 case class == "secondary" : 7 case class == "tertiary" : 6 case class == "motorway" : 12 case class == "trunk" : 11 case class == "road" : 6 case class == "residential" : 5 case class == "footway" : 2 case class == "cycleway" : 2 case class == "steps" : 2 else : 4